Imagine waking up to a half-naked man cooking bologna and eggs in your kitchen. Horrifying, right?
Well that’s exactly what happened Tuesday morning in Desert Hot Springs. Around 7:30 am, the residents of the home were awoken by a man, who was screaming and banging on the counter. Apparently he was whipping himself up some scrambled eggs with bologna and ranch. He’d also eaten some flan out of the refrigerator.
The residents exited the home and called 911. When the cops got there, they sent a K-9 unit in to take the man down. He was identified as 61-year-old Carlos Cimino and had been released from jail on bail on Tuesday, after a drug-related incident on January 23.
Cimino was speaking incoherently at the scene and had to be removed from the home on a gurney. He was also completely naked from the waist down. The incident is currently being investigated as a burglary.
The residents of the home thought it was more amusing than anything and said they would have been more disappointed if it had been homemade flan.
Source:: Desert Sun