I’m a bit of a rebel – rule-breaking sometimes happens whether I’m trying or not. I just like pushing boundaries. There are limits though, and when it comes to nature and marine-life and protecting the lives of other creatures on this planet, I feel like we all need to give it our best effort. Unlike these morons…
Two Florida men were arrested on Friday in the Keys on a “litany of lobster-related charges.”
Lance O’Conner Rossbach, 19, and Clay Matthew Kerr, 22, both from Melbourne, were spotted by a Middle Keys Marine Deputy on Friday spearfishing without a dive flag.
The deputy saw them swim over to a boat, so he approached them and asked to inspect their catch. According to the sheriff’s department report, Kerr produced five wrung lobster tails from his pocket and Rossbach pulled out two. All of the lobsters had been speared, which is prohibited under Florida law, and four of the seven lobsters were undersized.
Rossbach and Kerr were both arrested and charged with five misdemeanor counts for possession of out-of-season lobster, undersized lobster, speared lobster, wrung lobster tails in the water and no measuring device in the water while harvesting lobster.
If you’d like to avoid being arrested for something foolish, make sure you check out the FWC’s rules and regulations before you go spearfishing.
Two men arrested for illegal lobster possessionTwo Melbourne, Florida men were arrested Friday evening for a litany of…
Posted by MCSO – Florida Keys on Saturday, June 8, 2019
Source:: Miami Herald