If you ever wanted to be a rocket man but weren’t sure about the whole leaving Earth thing keep reading. NASA is in search of four people who want to pretend to live on MARS for a year so they can study the experience. The job was recently posted and applications are being accepted until September 17th.
Its NASA though, which means they are looking for people who are educated the STEM field. Their ideal candidate would be 30 to 55, and have a master’s degree in a STEM field, like engineering or math, however they will accept applications from people with a bachelor’s degree and some relevant experience.
The chosen four will live in a 1,700-square-foot enclosed space with no windows, only eat astronaut food, and have limited contact with friends and family online for a year. They haven’t been clear on the salary yet but if you are interested head over to NASA’s website if you want to apply.
I kind of feel like I know how this ends though.