Here we go again. Peeps on Pizza or Peepza as some call it, is the atrocity that rears its ugly head once a year to remind us that there are some things that absolutely don’t belong on pizza.
This crime against humanity was actually documented almost a decade ago in a blog post for Slice.Serious Eats. The author, Adam Kuban, did have some nice things to say that almost make you think about trying a bite. Almost.
…it was a lot of fun to make and that it actually doesn’t taste as bad as you might think. You know that whole salty-sweet dynamic that we all tend to love so much? Peepza has it in spades.
Okay, maybe he has a valid point with the sweet/salty take, but that’s not enough for me to veer off my life choice of never putting one of those sugar spun devil candies in my mouth again.
If you’d like to go down an internet wormhole of all things cooked peep, think sushi, peep bread, deep fried peeps and more, click here and enjoy the sugar buzz.