Hulk Hogan’s 66th birthday is in less than two weeks, happens to fall on the same day as WWE’s Summer Slam event, and if you’ve been waiting for an epic comeback
doesn’t sound like it’s gonna happen.Hogan was just on “Stone Cold” Steve Austin’s podcast the other day, and he said he can never wrestle again because of arthritis and because his back is too jacked up from having nine surgeries on his spine.
He said his doctors told him he might never walk again after his sixth one. Then it took three more surgeries to get him back on his feet. And now he’s just thankful for that.
“I was down about a year-and-a-half. But all that being said, I’m pretty darn cool. I can’t wrestle again, but I’m really cool.”
You can listen to his full interview here. And if somebody hasn’t told you, it’s not so safe for work. He starts talking about it at 10:32.